No Wonder We’re Math Anxious

WHAT GENIUS at JCPenney dreamed up this tee-shirt for girls 7-16? “I’m Too Pretty to Do Homework So My Brother Has to Do It for Me,” it says in a mix of typefaces that looks as if someone has doodled the slogan on a loose-leaf binder (if they still even use loose-leaf binders in school….).
The description in the online store goes on to say: “Who has time for homework when there’s a new Justin Bieber album out?” (The shirt is no longer available, but you can view the whole sorry business at I’m sure the company would claim it was meant to be ironic/amusing, but I have no sense of humor at all when it comes to encouraging impressionable girls to think of themselves as lazy, stupid, and superficial.
I suggest a boycott of JCPenney. My slogan: “They’re Too Evil to Treat Women Right So We’ll Have to Put Them Out of Business.”