Profiles in Courage

WELL, THE OTHER DAY my husband took a picture of me from the side and guess what? I have no chin. I have always considered my left profile a bit saggy, but in former days, on both sides I still had something approximating a right angle between jaw and neck. No more. I have wattles.
Delete. Are you sure? Yes.
I really don’t want this blog to be one long complaint about the inroads of time on the face and figure. I am lucky to be a healthy 66. Nonetheless, as Katharine Hepburn once said, old age is not for sissies.
I refuse to wear scarves and turtlenecks to cover my neck. (Hepburn did that; it looked pretty weird in hot weather.)Furthermore, the other day I bought a sleeveless racerback dress that shows a lot of arm, shoulder and back, sensing that this will keep me from shirking daily push-ups. Serena Williams at Wimbledon puts me to shame. She may have been knocked out of the tournament, but her arms are mind-bogglingly muscular (see AP photo at www.
But when it comes to photographs? There is nothing wrong with a little denial. From now on, I will stick to frontal and three-quarter views.